Feb 1, 2016

Google Pays Rs.8 Lakhs to Sanmay Who owned Google For 1 Minute

Sanmay Ved become Google.com owner for just 1 minute and got payment Rs.8 Lakh.Sanmay was purchased Google.com domain name for $ 12 in September last year.Google offers an opportunity to find the google bug to researchers around the world under a research program and then gives them reward also.In 2015, the company paid $ 20 million as rewards more than 300 people under this research program.
However, the first Google was announced to give around Rs 4 lakhs to Sanmay.But when Sanmay announced to donate the amount to the charity, Google paid him double. 

Last September working in google Sanmay found that google.com domain name is available for sale during the searching google domains.He immediately bought it at $ 12. Such he got access to Google.com Webmaster Tools.After many times google cancel the sale.
Sanmay is from Kutch region of Gujarat state in India.He said that his intention was not to make money by buying the Google.com domain, but he wanted to donate the amount to the Art of Living Foundation, India. 
Veda said in a post that he gave money to the Art of Living Education program, which runs 404 schools in 18 states free.Organization provides free education to Slum dwellers and rural areas and tribal children.In these areas there is very big problem of child labor and poverty.

Google provides the offer to find the bug..

Google said Britain, Poland, Germany, Romania, Israel, Brazil, USA, Russia and including India, researchers from around the world participated in the Security Rewards program.Researcher search bug in google and company gives reward to them.Bug is called to coding error of computer program.In 2015, under this the company paid $ 20 million as rewards more than 300 people.It encourages research and help Google to better themselves.

Tomas is this year's best researcher..

 Posted by Eduardo Vela Nava of Google's security team said that in 2015 Tomas Bojarski found 70 bugs on Google.Google said Tomas is this year's best researchers.Nava said he got the bug in Google's Vnrebaliti submission form.
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