Jan 31, 2016

Dangerous Places In The World Where People Disappeared

There is not lack of the tourist places in the world but the travel loving people like to go to the risky places for life time experience with adventure.Lets see such dangerous places as beautiful as the equally terrifying,because that could never come back who went there.

1. Lake Superior 

This dangerous lake is in North America.Dangerous so called because it claimed the lives of many people.Over 20 ships were missed from this lake and nobody know anything about that ships until now.The waves can be seen 30 feet high on the storm in the lake.

2. The Bennington Triangle

This place nestled in the South West of Vermont have been included in the list of dangerous places, where 5 people seen last time during 1945 to 1950.Firstly one 18 years old female hiker was missing with two more people from here.Just after three days a second person had disappeared from the moving bus without any evidence which could not be traced until now.

 3. Highway 16 

A lot of people were reported missing from this place of Canada,Bitris Columbia.Nearly 18 women have disappeared together from the highway.They could not be traced until now.

 4. The Bermuda Triangle 

The Bermuda Triangle is more dangerous than other places.over 12 ships and planes can never seen again after coming in this area.5th December,1945, the US Navy officer went missing during his routine training.Charles Taylor, who was flying the flight were in constant radio contact.But suddenly lost contact and the flight disappeared.Other aircraft were unable to investigating.

  5. The Michigan Triangle 

The Michigan Triangle is in the north of The Bermuda Triangle. Thomas Hume were disappear with his 7 fellow in 1891.after  this in 1921 A ship was seen floating on the place but 11 people on board could not be trace.After this in 1950 North West Airlines Flight 2501, carrying more than 58 passenger arrived and suddenly disappeared and still missing.

 6. America’s National Parks  

The National Park of America is the 84 million acres. Its surrounded around the dense forests, deserts and tall mountains.Anyone who arrived in this dense forest, not yet returned.Arthur Dewd Poleedes wrote in his book 'Missing 411' about the mystery of the park, in which has been told about the events of around 1100 missing people.

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